Monday, February 18, 2008

"Where's the BEET?!"

NOT to be confused with BEEF. Are you willing to eat cloned meat and poultry? Let me rephrase that...are you willing to feed your children cloned meat and poultry? I'm not. SO, the latest report is (I have to laugh here) that the Govt. says it is "OK" to eat cloned meat. OK! OK?? HOW could they possibly know if it is OK to eat this stuff? There hasn't been enough time to determine what is "OK" for us to put into our bodies. We are already deteriorating from the garbage that is put into the air, much less junk into our bodies. If there was ever a time to go Veggan, it is NOW.
Here is some information from another site of interest on the reasons NOT to eat cloned meat products:

What are the risks of cloning? "Reproductive cloning is expensive and highly inefficient. More than 90% of cloning attempts fail to produce viable offspring. More than 100 nuclear transfer procedures could be required to produce one viable clone. In addition to low success rates, cloned animals tend to have more compromised immune function and higher rates of infection, tumor growth, and other disorders. Japanese studies have shown that cloned mice live in poor health and die early. About a third of the cloned calves born alive have died young, and many of them were abnormally large. Many cloned animals have not lived long enough to generate good data about how clones age. Appearing healthy at a young age unfortunately is not a good indicator of long term survival. Clones have been known to die mysteriously. For example, Australia's first cloned sheep appeared healthy and energetic on the day she died, and the results from her autopsy failed to determine a cause of death.
In 2002, researchers at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, reported that the genomes of cloned mice are compromised. In analyzing more than 10,000 liver and placenta cells of cloned mice, they discovered that about 4% of genes function abnormally. The abnormalities do not arise from mutations in the genes but from changes in the normal activation or expression of certain genes.
Problems also may result from programming errors in the genetic material from a donor cell. When an embryo is created from the union of a sperm and an egg, the embryo receives copies of most genes from both parents. A process called "imprinting" chemically marks the DNA from the mother and father so that only one copy of a gene (either the maternal or paternal gene) is turned on. Defects in the genetic imprint of DNA from a single donor cell may lead to some of the developmental abnormalities of cloned embryos."

MORE Cloning Problems
Cloned Mice Have Genomic Flaws - Article from the Genome News Network (September 2002).
Tears of a Clone - Article from The Guardian (April 19, 2002).
Cloned Monkey Embryos Are a "Gallery of Horrors" - Article from (December 12, 2001).
Imprinting Marks Clones for Death: Unstable Genes Make Normal Clones Unlikely - Article from Nature News Service (July 6, 2001).
Clones Contain Hidden DNA Damage - Article from (July 6, 2001).
The Awful Truth - Article from New Scientist (May 19, 2001).

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