Saturday, March 29, 2008

What would Sam Walton think about Debbie Shank??

In my most humble opinion, Walmart has hit the gutter since its founder, Sam Walton died. The associate-to-customer relationship is as cold and as inviting as the 2 day old taco in my refrigerator. I overheard a conversation at my local Walmart recently: When a manager asked by a consumer why the store was set up differently, with some items harder to find, the manager replied, "Because we have more Mexicans that whites...and this store is for them." WHAT?? What is wrong with these people?? Mexican, black, shouldn't matter. Where is the equality? Do they THINK they have so much money NOW that they can treat us like that? NOT ANYMORE! I am taking MY business elsewhere! Check out this story: A woman, Debbie Shank of Missouri, a Walmart employee, suffered severe brain damage in traffic accident. She was later awarded money to cover attorney fees, loss of future pay, and life long debilitation. WALMART wants their share back...the health insurance contract states that she must pay BACK what she recoups in a lawsuit. The husband explained that the money was for their survival. Debbie can no longer work, her son was recently killed while serving in Iraq, the husband is a cancer survivor. Debbie will need lifelong rehabilitation, etc. Supreme Court said sorry, give it back. WALMART STINKS. They are a multi-billion dollar company worried about what would amount to pocket change. I am boycotting..Target, here I come!

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