Monday, December 29, 2008

Misc. Copyrighted Poetry

As he walks, kicking snow the boy remembers.
His father; how tall and strong, silent.

Looking up to the stars, he blinks in the falling snow.
He remembers the day that took his hero.

He remembers how he must have saved a woman from the firey building.
He can see his stong arms carrying others to the street.

The boy plunges cold hands into his pockets.
He will be brave on this Christmas day.

He will remember a hero.
And he will smile.

copyright ©2001


A Child Sleeps

I watch in silence so as not to wake her.
Such innocence, unaware of worldly woe.
To be so content in her surroundings.
She knows no stranger, knows no foe.

Her lashes fall to her cheeks, shadowing them softly.
With small hands tucked under her face,
she sighs in her sleep as if whispering to angels.
What a quiet, calm place.

Wisps of fawn tinted hair drape her shoulder.
She sleeps in beauty; her skin unimaginably fair.
I brush a strand from her face.
Smiling, she dreams without care.

Copyright ©2000



Let us journey under the hazy sky;
of course, the night will be long, so
venture into eternity with me, inhaling
every moment, exhaling every dream.

Tranquillity alone means nothing, but
always will be the time we share. Affectionately, I
envelope the testimony of
kindness from your lips with
every breath of soft spoken word.

Silence broken with one last lingering kiss, we dance.
Trust in knowing no matter
how far the distance between us, we will be one in
every way.

When you feel the slightest twinge
of lonely desire in the midst of your being do
Remember that I
long for your touch,
don't dismay.

Go. Run swiftly.
Raining tears of determination, I will find you
on whatever terms are set
under the midnight sky,
No fear will keep me away from my
Dear companion.

copyright ©2008

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